Do I HAVE to Certify?
If someone is certified through our company it means they have demonstrated adequate mastery of the core techniques they were taught in the Consultant Training Course. Certification is not mandatory. However, after 2 years, Trainees who do not certify are considered "inactive" by the Home Office. Inactive Trainees are no longer listed on the online Trainee Registry, and are not recommended by the Home Office.
How Much Time do I Have to Certify?
How Long Does the Process Take?
Certification evaluations can take anywhere from two to six months, depending on how complete the packet is, and how close to the filing deadline the files are received. There are two filing periods per year. (Filing deadlines: June 30th and December 31st.) (More)
When the Sisterlocks Home Office receives a certification file, we log it in and put it in the queue for evaluation. We then send an email out to the Trainee to acknowledge receipt and remind them of the approximate timeline.